Yin Xunhui: Capable Despite Disability, Ambitious in Deafness

发布时间:2018-07-19 15:38:09  |  来源:中国网  |  作者:   |  责任编辑:蔡彬

Since 2014, I have witnessed the whole process of the implementation ofthe two-phase “Care for Your Disabled NeighborhoodProject”of the New Milestone Program in Hubei(hereinafter referred to as“Yangtze RiverNeighborhoodProject”).As a handicapped person with hearing impairment,I am both a beneficiary and a worker ofthe Yangtze RiverNeighborhoodProject.

In the past three years, the activities carried out by theYangtze RiverNeighborhoodProjecthave enabled many brothers and sisters in the silent world to walk out of their loneliness and reveal their smiles so as to share the fruits ofcivilization.The activitieswe carried out have enabled the societyto see the positive side of the deafcommunity, andhave been recognized and praised by all levels of government agencies and people from all walks of life.For me, it is also an excellent opportunity tolearn and practice so as to improve my service skills and elevate my soul,providing me with a platform to display my abilities so that I can find a way to achieve self-worth.

I.Getting to Know“Yangtze RiverNeighborhoodProject”

I am disabled, so I pay special attention to the organizations helping the disabled.Although there are associations for the deafin almost all the places,the activities targeting the deaf groups can rarely be carried outdue to various reasons such as shortage of personnel and funding.

After I read the details of the Yangtze RiverNeighborhoodProjectcarefully, I felt that it’s a great opportunity to enhance theworking ability ofthe deaf people's associations.The main purpose of theProject is toprovide tailor-made, personalized and professional services for the disabled.It is not simplygiving themsome money or goods.After two modifications due to refusals,my project proposal was finally approved andpublished on the official website for public selection.

II. Bittersweet Voting Campaign

One of the steps in the implementation of the Project was topublicize itand mobilize the people from all walks of life totake part in the voting of the Project.On weekends,we were divided into small teamsand went towelfare enterprises,CPCand government agencies,special education schools,communities, universities and other organizations topromote theProject andmobilize the publicto vote for us.

Fortunately, the “Voting Initiative”I prepared was reposted by volunteers in variousQQ groups and on many portal websites. It touched many good-hearted peopleand volunteer organizations. As a result, some of them even join us in publicity in theirspare time. They volunteered to act asour “mouths” and “ears”, relieving us by help remove lots of obstacles in the voting campaign.

Of course, we also met countless misunderstandings and indescribable pains in the campaign. In this regard, I’d like to quoteChairman Deng Pufang as saying that - “It's not because they are inhumane. It’s simply because they don't know.It's not because they don’t understand. It’s simply becausethey are not aware.”And that’s exactly whywe need to launchthe projectof“caring for your disabled neighbors”, enabling the society to know more about and show more respect for the disabled persons.

Your work pays off. As you sow, so shall you reap.. In the end, our project was eventually selected.

III. Letting Silence Speak Louder thanWords

Overthe three years during which stint the two-phase project wasimplemented, we have launched more than 20 activities. Only when a person is positive will he or she considers doing good deedsto the society. Therefore, we convened the deaf volunteers for the “mountain cleaning”environmental protectionactivity to clear away white garbage onthe Xishan and Geshan mountains in the suburbs.“We can't hear, but we can feel the beauty of naturewith our eyes.Please cherishthis beautyin our eyes!”This is our heartfelt wish to the society.

What moved me most was when I was hospitalized for a foot fracture due to a fallin April 2017, my deaf friends came to see me in the hospital.In the face of a huge amount of medical expenses,they raised money to reassure me. For several times, I managed to hold back my tears of thankfulness. I haddonewhat in me lies, yet I am rewarded with their sincere trust.

At the city’s disabled persons’work conference in 2017, Mr. Cheng,deputy mayor of the municipal government in charge ofthe disabled affairs,praised our association of the deaf, saying that our activitiesshow the spirit of self-improvement of the disabled people.For us, this is a great encouragement. I toldmy deaf friends:“Even a broken flower needs to give off the fragrance of life. Even a benttree needs to bring a shade to the world.”

IV. Grateful to Li Ka Shing Foundation

After recovering from my injury, I limped with my injured left footand continued with various activities todemonstrate our positive image in the society.The beautiful future needs to be built with our own efforts bit by bit.

Capable despite disability, ambitious in deafness. I am so grateful to the Yangtze RiverNeighborhoodProject for providing me with a platform to showcase mycapabilities.I am also grateful to the Li Ka Shing Foundation for anopportunity. My life has become more splendidwith your support.

