Just 读 It

发布时间:2020-09-16 11:32:36  |  来源:中国网  |  作者:  |  责任编辑:薛珊

大家好,这里是just 读it,今天给大家带来的书是《站在你身后》,这本书主要讲述了90后以色列青年高佑思和他的小伙伴们把医疗防护物资从以色列运送到中国的故事。

Hello, everyone, this isJust Du It.Today, I would like to introduce a book namedWe Got Your Back,which is mainly about the story of Raz Galor, a post-90 Israeli young man, and his friends sending medical protective materials from Israel to China.


The story began with COVID-19 earlier this year.Due to the rapid expansion of COVID-19 at the beginning of this year,the number of infected people saw a sharp increase,and medical protective materials were in acute shortage in China.After hearing the news, Raz Galor and his friends decided to raise medical protective materials from Israel and send them to China to help Chinese friends.


First, they went to a small pharmacy near home and bought more than a thousand masks.However, Israel has a population of only over 8 million,and the stock of a small pharmacy is simply too small to meet China's aid needs.Then they went to many places,contacted Israel-China Chamber of Commerce and raised enough medical supplies.After packing up all the medical supplies,they encountered with problems such as canceled international flights,complicated international logistics procedures and countless document requirements.They worked day and night across time zones.Finally,passing through Tel Aviv, Moscow and Guangzhou and covering a distance of 7000 kilometers,nearly one ton of medical supplies successfully reached Huanggang Central Hospital in China.


During the 384 hours of assisting Huanggang,Raz Galor and his friends overcame all kinds of difficulties and explore various ways to help Chinese friends,demonstrating the responsibility and strength of the post-90s generationin the world.There was a hot topic on the Internet: "Is the Post-90s the Beat generation?"We can see from this event that the post-90s generation in China and beyond is not the Beat generation.Instead, they can use Internet, social platforms and video websites, etc.to exchange life, culture and thoughts of different countries.In the process of mutual communication and exchange, they forge profound friendship.


There is a joke about the post-90s generation in China:they take pickle as lunch and Mobike as transport.Of course, it is just a joke.As the post-90s generation, we know that we study and work hard to adapt to the fast-developing society.Among us, there are hardworking workers, interesting challengers,kind volunteers, and of course successful entrepreneurs...We represent the independence and freedom of the 21st century.People of different ages form the multi-culture of the society.We know how to be grateful, how to challenge, and how to give back to the society.So, as long as you have passion, you will shine everywhere, no matter how old you are!


Well, that's all for today's good book sharing.We hope you can supportWe Got Your Back.This book is published by New Star Press of CIPG.Allpublishing proceeds will be donated to the medical student financial aid project in Hubei Province. Looking forward to your support.That's all for today. See you next time!
