中国国情 > 中国精神鼓舞下 新时代扬帆远航 > 正文




On December 31, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed at the New Year gathering of CPPCC National Committee that we must promote the spirit of the ox in serving the people,driving innovative development and working tirelessly. We must continue to be careful, as we were in the past, guarding against arrogance and impetuosity, and continue to fear no hardship and be enterprising, marching forward bravely on the new journey of fully building a modern socialist country.


“Willing ox”, “pioneer ox” and “hardworking ox” are well-known and beautiful imageswith profound cultural deposits, and contain the spiritual code of the Chinese people to strive for self-improvement and forge ahead.


From fighting against COVID-19 epidemic, to overcoming serious floods, to winning the battle against poverty... The spirit of willing ox of serving people is the winning code of the battles; from the "Shenzhen speed" of "building one floor in three days", to "attracting 100,000 talents to Hainan" to open a new chapter of Hainan's leapfrogging development, to the builders of the new era accomplishing the construction of Xiongan citizen service center with high standard in 112 days and setting up the impressive "Xiongan quality". From individuals to enterprises, from cities to countries, the spirit of pioneering ox of innovative development boosts the future development; now, the clock is ticking to 2021. We have accomplished the poverty alleviation target of the new era, and made great historic achievement of establishing a moderately prosperous society in all respects; the 13th Five-Year Plan has been accomplished in full, and China is the first major economy worldwide to achieve positive growth; China has seen a good harvest in grain production, and Chang'e-5 lunar mission is successfully accomplished; we overcame the impact of the pandemic, and defeated severe flooding… These achievements have been accumulated bit by bit with the spirit of hardworking ox of working tirelessly.


The road ahead is long; striving is the only way forward. We will vigorously promote the spirit of the ox in serving the people, driving innovative development and working tirelessly to break the waves and sail out for our journey ahead, and make new achievements worthy of the times, the people and history.