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Organizing Committee for Global Digital Economy Conference 2024 convenes the second meeting on preparatory work

Source: 2024-04-29

On September 23, 2023, the second meeting on the preparatory work for the Global Digital Economy Conference 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the “Conference”) was held to deliberate on detailed strategies for the 2024 Conference. 

The meeting listened to the reports by representatives of various working groups and sections of the Conference on the phased results and key work of the preparatory work for the 2024 event. Participants also discussed the specific work of each section. All relevant institutions pledged that they would conscientiously implement the instructions and requirements of the Beijing Municipal Government to “promote production and develop industry through the Conference.” The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to give full play to the role of countries as carriers of international cooperation in the global digital economy, make good use of the platform of the Global Digital Economy Conference, and further promote the depth and breadth of international exchanges and cooperation in various fields. In terms of working mechanism, the meeting called for further advancing the establishment of a normalized operation mechanism and improving the influence of the Conference by promoting content innovation and breakthroughs such as summit forums and special activities. The government and the market shall work closely together to enhance public awareness of the digital economy, increase their consumption capacity, and promote the new development of application scenarios.

The meeting made it clear that it is necessary to further enhance the international, professional and guiding nature of the Conference next year. To this end, first of all, the organizing committee should improve the working mechanism, advance various tasks in accordance with designated timelines, and dispatch working groups and sections one by one in accordance with the preparatory work plan. Moreover, it should bring together the forces of all parties, and the leaders of all institutions should attach great importance to the preparatory work, advance it with concrete actions, and place it onto the top of their agendas.

As a new platform for global exchanges and cooperation in the digital era, the Global Digital Economy Conference has been successfully held for three times. The 4th Conference will continue to draw on the past experience, improve the mechanism, improve the ecology, and expand its influence, thus providing stronger support for Beijing to build a global benchmark city for the development of the digital economy.